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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best time to travel for Safari to Kenya and Tanzania?

Any month of the year is good and you are able to see all the animals depending on the parks you will be visiting.

How to apply for Kenya tourist visa?

Tourism visa is applied online through evisa. It is known as single entry visa and issued to persons whose nationalities require a visa to enter Kenya either for business, tourism, medical or other reasons. Basic requirements are valid travel document not less than six months and a return ticket. Cost is $51. Attachments should include
a) Travel itinerary (Details about places to visit if going as a tourist).
b) Hotel bookings.
c) Return air ticket

Do Children require Visa to visit Kenya?

Children up to 16 years of age do not need a visa to travel to Kenya. However, they do need to possess a valid passport and accompanied by parents.

Which are the best parks to visit in Kenya and Tanzania?

Kenya and Tanzania has many parks and reserves from which to choose and each has its own unique reasons for visiting. The reason can be special topography or rare wildlife species. Where possible we recommend combining two, three or more parks in order to see a broad range of landscapes and animals.

Is Kenya safe for people to travel?

Kenya is generally secure for tourists especially within the tourist circuits and incidents involving tourists are rare. You do however need to observe the basic precautions i.e. avoid walking in dark/isolated areas at night, do not wear flashy jewelry, avoid carrying valuables around, etc.

Can Guest request Special dietary?

Yes but you need to communicate to us in advance though Most dietary requirements e.g. vegetarian meals can be organized the hotels and lodges.

When does the Wildebeest migration start and ends?

Normally the migration starts from July to October, this is the peak season for both Kenya and Tanzania on the tourism industry.

Do I have to pay a deposit for my safari, why should I pay, How to pay and how much?

It is common practice to have all costs paid for prior to commencement of the safari, as we have to make certain commitments to secure bookings, accommodation, flights, etc. You can make the payment through bank transfer or credit card. On special situations, cash payments can be made on arrival. Deposit is 40% of the safari cost. The balance should be cleared 1 month before the safari starts.

How much does a safari cost?

The cost of a safari vary depending on what kind of safari you wish to undertake. The cost is influenced by number of days, level of comfort and other factors.

Is Kenya a friendly destination?

Kenya is a wonderful destination for families who are on the adventurous side. It welcomes all travellers and has a special affection for family travel with children. Multi-generational family travelers are very welcome in Kenya.

Which Languages are spoken in Kenya?

The official languages of Kenya are Swahili and English.

What currency is used in Kenya?

The currency used throughout the country is the Kenyan shilling. Mastercard and Visa are accepted in most major tourist destinations. ATMs are common in the cities for dispensing local currency but are not available in wildlife parks.